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Moldovan art draws interest at Stratford exhibition

One of the interesting things at the exhibition in Stratford-Upon-Avon was watching people engage with the paintings of our artists – spending time, almost having a dialog with the artwork and letting it speak to them.

One art lover was particularly taken with Gheorghe Tarna’s painting ‘Gossip’. He studied it in detail and at varying distances. The birds, he decided, were noisy and gossipy species depicted in contrast to the chairs that, according to his view, silently showed so much character.   

Another gentleman spent time examining Ghenadie Sontu’s painting ‘The Secret’. He was particularly impressed by the fine detail, both in the depiction of the cloth bag that lies draped on the table, and of the wall.

An artist particularly appreciated Cezara Kolesnik’s ‘Me, You and the Poppy Field.’ She liked Kolesnik’s use of colour – particularly the reds. And she expressed curiosity regarding the legend that lies behind the work.

It was gratifying to see the works of our artists eliciting serious and sustained attention. There is something about these works that draws people in, that makes them want to know more and that invites them to spend time understanding how the painting speaks to them.

More people will get the chance to engage with these paintings in a few days in London. The paintings will be on display at the Fine Art Trade Guild’s London Exhibition Space between May 15 and May 28.

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