Tudor Fabian
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F.B. Profile © Toporaş online art gallery
Experiments lie at the heart of Tudor Fabian's work. He experiments endlessly, trying to achieve the most unusual colours, shapes and figures.
Fabian was born in 1970 in the village of Colibas, in the Cahul district in southern Moldova, close to the Romanian border.
He studied art at the 'I. Repin' National Pedagogical School of Fine Arts in Chisinau and at the Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture in Kiev, where he earned his master’s degree in 1997.
Fabian’s work is unusual, the art historian Tudor Stavila says; it is rare for anything similar to be seen in the work of other Moldovan artists.
Fabian’s experimentation is in continuous evolution, going through cycles and series.
His graphic work cannot be compared to that of other artists of his generation, because he chooses to experiment so as to achieve something day by day. The originality of his work is depicted in a metaphorical language that creates suggestive compositions.
Even in his earlier graphic work, allegoric and symbolic elements detach the artist from a more orthodox approach.
Irina Kalashnikova, another art historian, says Fabian attracts art lovers with the freedom of his senses. He deliberately violates logic in his graphic work as well as in his paintings. The interconnection of elements is always absurd.
But it is exactly this absurdity that reveals his intentions. And this is one of the most precious qualities of his art, says Kalashnikova, who views Fabian as a follower of Malevich’s manifesto.
The most important element of Fabian’s creative life is to reject logic to the benefit of novelty. He fights logic because he does not like naturalness and prejudgment. His perception of the world lies in his sense of time; his work is, in effect, an image of time.
'Fine art has the ability to plough the earth more deeply. It can have a bigger impact on social change than the activism frequently used nowadays, and get more easily into people’s minds'.
Among Fabian’s projects are: 'Orasul meu' ('My Town'), 'Portal', 'Zbucium' ('Agitation'), 'Balade' ('Balads'), 'Amintiri' ('Memories'), 'Amprenta in timp' ('The Footprint in Time'), 'Calea ferata' ('Railway'), 'Paradis artificial' ('Artificial Paradise'), and 'Painting & Graphics'.
He has invented several techniques for multiplying images: Abrasiv-Tinto, Oracalstampa, Cartonogravura, and Tintografie.
His work is found in museums, galleries and private collections in Moldova, Romania, Ukraine, Russia, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, France, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, Holland, Poland, Spain, the U.S. and Sweden.