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Metamophosis -- On art, terror, and change for the better

Stay safe and discover Moldovan painting. 

Veaceslav Bakitsky's exhibition takes place at the Brancusi Centre in Chisinau. Plan your visit -- 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. from now until the 29th of November. Closed Mondays.

Don't miss it. It touches on a sensitive subject: Metamorphosis.

We are constantly talking about it. Changing this world into a better place? When? How? No answers have yet been found. Too much going on. Too fast. Too negative. Too disappointing. 

As I write these lines, my thoughts are with those in Paris, those lost, those injured, those bereaved. We try again and again to understand the cause of these horrible attacks. Why? Would you change if you knew that going to a concert might mean the end of your life?

Metamorphosis constantly rules our life cycle. We get used to spring and autumn, as the seasons change, one into the next. Will we get used to terror? I hope not. Because growing old slowly is much nicer. Much wiser.

Stay safe! Change! And listen to artists who can lead your way to natural change -- change that is not so fast, not so negative, and not so disappointing.

Metamorphosis -- the work of of Veaceslav Bakitsky, who recently joined the Toporaș Online Art Gallery -- must be explored. We are in the process of adding some of his artwork to our gallery's collection.

Please, world, change for the better!

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